Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finally Friday

For a long time now (forever, maybe?) I've worked Friday nights. All of them. Every. One. Which stinks because Friday is a ceremonial end-of-the-week celebration day for most 9-5ers, and hey! I like to celebrate things too! So now that my schedule has changed to give me every other Friday off, I can once again entertain ideas about things like "happy hour" and "rooftop seating" and "drinking in the daytime."
Last Friday - my first - I got out there and did things. Here is the proof and I'll say sorry now for the gratuitous nature shots. Needless to say, this Friday I'll be back in the trenches...let's not talk about it.  
Boulder on a Friday
The Kitchen Community Hour
The Beat Book Shop "DIG?"
Into the Wind 
Boulder Book Store
Moon - Venus - Jupiter


Taryn said...

Looks like a great Friday to me!

Oh blerg. said...

lovely friday! I want to come back to Boulder and relive that Friday